
Working Papers

[W1] Ming Yi, Yiqian Wu, James Anderson, and Gil Zussman, “Stealthy Cyber-Attack for Strategic Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage,” under preparation, 2024.

[W2] Ming Yi and Bolun Xu, “A Dual-Based PID Controller for Job Scheduling in Data Centers with Uncertain Demand,” under preparation, 2024.

[W3] Ming Yi, Yiqian Wu, James Anderson, and Bolun Xu, “Decision-Focused Bidding Design for Energy Storage Arbitrage,” under preparation, 2024.

[W4] Ming Yi, Shuhaib Nawawi, and Parth Vaishnav, “How do electrification and climate change affect the distribution of energy burdens: an analysis of 10,000 buildings in 30 US cities,” under preparation, 2024. Poster presentation delivered at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2024.

[W5] Yiqian Wu, Ming Yi, Bolun Xu, and James Anderson, “Risk-Averse Energy Storage Arbitrage,” under preparation, 2024.

Journal Publications

[J1] Ming Yi, Saud Alghumayjan, and Bolun Xu, “Perturbed Decision-Focused Learning for Strategic Energy Storage,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, (second-round review), 2024.

[J2] Shuhaib Nawawi, Ming Yi, Michael Craig, Thomas Detjeen, and Parth Vaishnav, “Cross-sectoral Trade-offs in a Changing Climate: Surrogate Models to Balance Home Energy Bills, Occupant Comfort, and Power System Externalities,” submitted to Joule, 2024.

[J3] Saud Alghumayjan, Jiajun Han, Ningkun Zheng, Ming Yi, and Bolun Xu, “Energy Storage Arbitrage in Two-settlement Markets: A Transformer-Based Approach,” Electric Power Systems Research, 2024.

[J4] Meixuan Li, K. Tse Chi, and Ming Yi, “The Impact of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) on Cascading Failures in Power Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023.

[J5] Meixuan Li, K. Tse Chi, and Ming Yi, “Steady-State Cascading Failure Model With Voltage Instability Event Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023.

[J6] Meixuan Li, K. Tse Chi, and Ming Yi, “Interdependence Among Voltage-Unstable Buses During Cascading Failure in Power Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023.

[J7] Anne Stratman, Tianqi Hong, Ming Yi, and Dongbo Zhao, ``Novel Net Load Forecasting with Disaggregated PV Generation and Error Compensation,’’ IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023.

[J8] Ming Yi, Meng Wang, Tianqi Hong and Dongbo Zhao, “Bayesian High Rank Hankel Matrix Completion for Nonlinear Synchrophasor Data Recovery,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023

[J9] Ming Yi, Meng Wang, Evangelos, Farantatos and Tapas Barik, “Bayesian Robust Hankel Matrix Completion with Uncertainty Modeling for Synchrophasor Data Recovery,” ACM SIGENERGY Energy Informatics Review, (invited paper), 2022

[J10] Ming Yi and Meng Wang, “Bayesian Energy Disaggregation at Substations with Uncertainty Modeling,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021

[J11] Wenting Li, Ming Yi, Meng Wang, Yishen Wang, Di Shi and Zhiwei Wang, “Real-time Energy Disaggregation at Substations with Behind-the-Meter Solar Generation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020. (The first two authors contributed equally and listed in an alphabetical order)

[J12] Huijun Gao, Ming Yi, Jinyong Yu, Junbao Li and Xinghu Yu, Character Segmentation-Based Coarse-Fine Approach for Automobile Dashboard Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019. (Student 1st author)

Conference Publications

[C1] Ming Yi and Meng Wang, “Recent Results of Energy Disaggregation with Behind-the-Meter Solar Generation,” Proc. of the 11th Bulk Power Systems Dynamic and Control Symposium, 2022.

[C2] Ming Yi , Zhenhua Yang, Fengyu Guo and Jialin Liu, “A clustering-based algorithm for automatic detection of automobile dashboard,” Proc. of the 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) 2017.


[P1] Huijun, Gao, Ming Yi, Jinyong Yu and Fengyu Guo. “Adaptive Auto Meter Detection Method based on Character Segmentation and Cascade Classifier,” U.S. Patent Application 16/144,845, granted Dec. 2020.

[P2] Huijun, Gao, Ming Yi, Jinyong Yu and Fengyu Guo. “Self-adaptive automobile instrument detection method based on character segmentation cascade two classifiers.” Chinese Patent CN201710891277, granted Sept. 2020